What is Klonopin and is it Addictive?
According to a benzodiazepine statistic in 2011, over 20 million people aged 12 and older are reported to have abused benzos at some point in their livers. This is a remarkable number and concerning seeing as the age range is very wide and affects teens significantly. From these numbers, it could be seen that Klonopin is a dangerous drug once misused or abused.
With this, it is important to address the questions, “is Klonopin addictive?” and “is Klonopin addictive in small doses?”, since some people are still unaware of its negative effects. In addition, it is important to discuss Klonopin withdrawal which is something people recovering from Klonopin abuse would experience. Here we would be discussing this relevant information about Klonopin and other important facts about it.
How Does Klonopin Abuse Happen?
Since we are addressing the question, “Is Klonopin addictive?”, it is important to know what Klonopin is first. Klonopin or clonazepam is a CNS depressant that slows down brain activity and is effective for standalone treatment for seizure disorders. However, it has another effect on the person using it as most people who abuse clonazepam and other benzodiazepines crave the euphoric and relaxing effects of the drug.
Those who misuse the medication by taking more than what was prescribed tend to develop dependence and soon start to seek drug-seeking behaviors which could affect the normal state of the body, productivity of the individual and leads to a drastic change in the person’s wellbeing. For the question, “Is Klonopin addictive in small doses?”, the answer would be dependent on the duration and frequency of use as it was reported that Klonopin even when used in prescribed amounts could still cause dependence and addiction.
Klonopin is highly addictive as it can cause addiction in as little as a few weeks, so it is important to check with a medical professional for proper dosage.
What Are the Different Levels of Effect of Benzodiazepines Brands?
The question “Is Klonopin addictive?” as mentioned is dependent on different factors. Another factor at play could be the different types or levels of effect of the benzodiazepine drug used.
Short-acting Benzodiazepines
These benzodiazepines are short-acting in their length of action and their effect for use usually lasts for 6-10 hours. Among the types of benzodiazepines, this type is most recommended because of the lower risk of addiction. An example of this type is Xanax.
Intermediate benzodiazepine
This benzodiazepine has a longer length of action and usually lasts for 5-30 hours. It is also commonly prescribed but with corresponding guidance of its proper use to avoid possible addiction. Librium is an example of a brand with intermediate effects.
Long-acting benzodiazepine
Long-acting benzodiazepines are generally not recommended for long-term use because of their addictive potential and are often only used for treating severe medical problems like epilepsy. Its duration of effects once used is usually around 18-50 hours and an example of this is Klonopin. For the question, “Is Klonopin addictive?”, Long-acting benzodiazepines such as Klonopin should indeed be a drug to be considered for Klonopin addiction.
Klonopin Withdrawal and Symptoms
In terms of recovery, one of the hardest parts of treatment would be the attempt to terminate further use of the substance. This leads to a debilitating and excruciating withdrawal symptom which may vary in intensity depending on how much the drug has become dependent on your body. Needless to say, it would be a tough journey and with that, the following withdrawal symptom may be experienced by a person undergoing treatment:
- Elevated heart rate and blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Nightmares
- Hallucinations
- Weight loss
- Muscle cramping and spasms
- Seizures
Coping and Relief for Klonopin Addiction
Since we have answered the question, “Is Klonopin addictive” and have delved into Klonopin withdrawal, it is only proper to discuss the treatment and ways to remove its effects. The best way to quit Klonopin is to follow a slow tapering schedule. This means gradually reducing the dose over time to help prevent severe withdrawal symptoms. Other than this tip, it is also important to take note of the following:
- If tapering on your own, have someone you trust help you dispense the pills as prescribed.
- If it is okay with your doctor, you could treat headaches and muscle aches with over-the-counter medicine.
- You could talk to your doctor about natural anti-anxiety and anti-nausea options.
- Explain your situation to your friends or relatives so that they would not be surprised by sudden irritability.
- Use natural sleep aid.
- Exercise and explore relaxation methods.
Other than these guides, you must be committed to changing yourself as this would take a lot of your time, patience, and as well as courage to take back control of your own body. Relapse might happen but do not be discouraged and keep on working on it till full recovery.